That’s right! We’re releasing a new build of Tread Marks, and that’s not all, we’re also celebrating Seumas’ masterpiece by completely releasing all the source code! I’ll cut right to the chase: you can get the Windows installer here and you can download the source from GitHub here.
The updates in this version are mostly aimed at getting it working on Mac and Linux, which is a side project I’ve been toying with every now and then for the last several years. It’s very nearly there. It compiled on both platforms, but there’s some bugs that need to be sorted out. So if you’re interested, go ahead and download the source, take a look at the BUILD.txt file, and see if you can help.
Here’s the changes:
* Now free and open source!
* Initial work on porting to Mac and Linux.
* Replaced Miles with OpenAL.
* Replaced most Win32 code with SFML and Qt.
* Resolution list now lists all valid resolutions, and defaults to desktop resolution.
* Settings now stored in .ini file instead of registry.
* Now checks for master server at instead of an IP address, and checks automatically when server screen is opened.
* Added support for headless server builds.