“Gaul is a whole divided into three parts, one of which is inhabited by the Belgae, another by the Aquitani, and a third by a people called in their own tongue Celtae,…
Dev Blog: An Army Marches on its Stomach – Resources Pt 2
The last few weeks have been quite busy with GamesCom and the Kalypso announcement, but now that we’ve settled back into development we’re going to pick up the blogs where we left…
GamesCom 2013
We’ve done a lot of trade shows from PAX to NY Comic Con, but we’ve never really seen anything close to the scale of GamesCom. While photos can’t really capture the overwhelming…
The news you’ve all been waiting for …
In last week’s blog we mentioned that, while we wouldn’t have a blog post this week, we might have some other news to post while we’re over at GamesCom. And, as some…
Dev Blog: Fuel for War – Resources Part 1
We’ve dropped a few hints so far at some of the resource changes in Rome, but today we’re going to dig into some details. On the surface, we’ve got a new wood…
Dev Blog: Concept Art – Designing the Enemy
This week we’re going to change course a little bit and talk about the concept art of Hegemony Rome, the research and decisions involved, as well as show you how those concepts…
Rome Dev Blog: The Campaigns
There has been a lot of interest in exactly which parts of Roman history we’re covering. Most games tend to focus on the Roman conquest of Italy, which is an obvious choice…
Dev Blog: Feats of Engineering
While last week’s blog was really just a teaser, today we’re going to start getting into the real stuff. With so much to cover, it was a struggle to pick a topic…
Steam summer sale
Got some free time this summer? Can’t wait for Hegemony Rome to come out? Why not buy Hegemony Gold? It’s 75% off on Steam! The sale is on until July 22nd. Get…
Rome Dev Blogs & New Screenshot!
Whew! It feels like it’s been forever since the last time we’ve posted about Rome. We’ve been deep in development over the last year and, now that we’re taking a little time…